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Running Deeper C/C++/Java
Week 42 Report Main Content: 2D Rough image & 3D Modeling ▶ Overall :: Blind Mage :: Skeletal Dragon 3D :: Death Warrior ▶ Blind Mage▶ Skeletal Dragon▶ Death Warrior ▶ ML-AGENTS vectorAction[0] > Horizontal vectorAction[1] > Vertical vectorAction[2] > Attack vectorAction[3]~[5] > Skill 1~3 used(Active State) vectorAction[6] > Ally search(Unit) vectorAction[7] > Ally Search(Building) moveH = vect..
Week 41 Report Main Content: Unit Machine Learning & 2D Imaging ▶ Overall :: Machine learning and Unit status update :: Cursed Archer rough image ▶ Machine Learning Unable to train both Brain units at the same time in Unity, thus had to observe the units carefully separately. Below are the behaviors. - Waiting State - Movement State: Walk - Movement State: Run - Attack - Defend - Dodge - Magic/M..
Week 40 Report Main Content: 3D Modeling 2U & ML Results ▶ Overall :: Griffin 3D Modeling :: Evil Lord 3D 모델링 :: ML Results ▶ Griffin ▶ Evil Lord ▶ ML Agents For the AI of the units and ML-AGENTS, we created each of the following AIs: Movement Speed, Attack Strength, HP.Each of the above was successful, but multiple units caused instability in the algorithm and failed. We were also unable to int..
Week 39 ReportMain Content: 3D Modeling *2 ▶ Overall :: Vampire :: Golem(3D / Rough Image) :: ML-AGENTS ▶ Vampire ▶ Golem ▶ Machine Learning Results :: 1D coordinate tracking: Success :: 2D coordinate tracking: Fail :: 1D Unit * Unit: Fail :: Multi unit battle: in development ML-AGENTS has no presentable result finished.
Week 38 Report Main Content: 3D Modeling & Cartoon Rendering / ML progress ▶ Skeletal Dragon ▶ Moon Breaker ▶ Cartoon Rendering - Using shaders, we lifted the atmosphere of the game to look more cartoonish. ▶ ML Agents - This is an RTS genre game, but since the game itself is mobile, it was often criticized to have only minimal control. Thus, we decided to reward skill by increasing the AI diffi..
Week 37 ReportMain Content: Unit interactions based on ML ▶ Overall :: Unity machine learning ML-Agent :: Per Unit Machine Learning ▶ Unity Machine Learning ML-AGENT ● Agent, Unit, Brain - A brain controls the actions of the Agent, and the agents are individual units. - Brain Type > External A python external program hosts the model, and the brain assigns scores based on the damage dealt, time t..
Week 36 ReportMain Content: 3D Modeling & Skill System ▶ Overall :: 3D Modeling :: Skill System ▶ 3D Modeling ▶ Griffin Nest A tree with griffins nesting on it ▶ Building queue design ▶ The red/gray objects are the buildings in the deck, and the red object is the building to be placed. At a cost of certain amounts of resources, you can skip the building. It is possible to affect the chances of e..
Week 35 Report Main Content: Character action connections & model animations and further system design ▶ Overall :: Character action connections :: Skill system ▶ Character Actions The above image is a transition model for the animations in-game. The graph is directed, and both edges need to be connected in order to create an interacting loop.The states are as follows: Idle, Walk, Run, Attack, D..
Week 34 Report Overall: 3D Modeling / System / Closed Beta ▶ Main Content :: Well 3D Modeling :: System design :: Closed Beta ▶ Well ▶ System Design Used a sphere collider based N:M controlling option to detect, advance, and calculate units. This method decreases the total calculations necessary. The algorithm is as follows. 1. When a unit is created, an increasing sphere collider is deployed, w..
Week 33 Report Overall: Closed Beta Preparations and UI Image/Unit merging ▶ Overall :: UI Image (1/5) finished :: Unit selection & Skill designation ▶ UI Mainstage finished ▶ Background: ▶ The above image is treated as the background, and each UI image is split into minimal pieces, and reassembled inside the app. Thus, phones with different displays can handle the app without cr..
Week 32 ReportMain Content: 3D Modeling and Animation ▶ Overall :: Earthquaker 3D animation :: Gargoyle 3D animation :: Archer 3D Modeling ▶ Earthquaker▶ Gargoyle▶ Animation ▶ Archer
Week 31 ReportMain Content: 3D Modeling and UI Rough Image ▶ Overall :: Knight 3D Modeling :: Warrior 3D Modeling :: Game Main UI Rough Image ▶ Knight ▶ Warrior ▶ Game Main UI
Week 30 ReportMain Content: Rough Imaging + 3D Modeling & UI Development Status ▶ Overall :: Forge Rough Image & 3D Modeling :: Tower revised rough image :: UI Development Status ▶ Forge ▶ Tower ▶ UI Development 1) Stage page - Main page, created with the map image, etc. The 4 buttons on the bottom are skills that are almost upgradeable, top 4. Can use cash/game money to upgrade such skills. 2) ..