Running Deeper C/C++/Java

Other Projects/Project, Hexas


Week 35 Report

Main Content: Character action connections & model animations and further system design

▶ Overall

 :: Character action connections

 :: Skill system

▶ Character Actions

The above image is a transition model for the animations in-game.

 The graph is directed, and both edges need to be connected in order to create an interacting loop.

The states are as follows: Idle, Walk, Run, Attack, Die1, Die2, Die1& Die2 excluded, the other motions are connected together.

Die is connected to Any State as it needs to be instantaenous, whenever HP reaches 0.

 The variable that causes the transition between Idle and Walk is the value that stores whether a target is located or not. The rest of the transitions are as expected.

Idle State - Walk


6 Motions, the "damaged" motion was removed.

Week 35 Report

Main Content: Character action connections & model animations and further system design

▶ Overall

 :: Character action connections

 :: Skill system

▶ Character Actions

The above image is a transition model for the animations in-game.

 The graph is directed, and both edges need to be connected in order to create an interacting loop.

The states are as follows: Idle, Walk, Run, Attack, Die1, Die2, Die1& Die2 excluded, the other motions are connected together.

Die is connected to Any State as it needs to be instantaenous, whenever HP reaches 0.

 The variable that causes the transition between Idle and Walk is the value that stores whether a target is located or not. The rest of the transitions are as expected.

Idle State - Walk


6 Motions, the "damaged" motion was removed.

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