Running Deeper C/C++/Java

Other Projects/Project, Hexas


Week 41 Report

Main Content: Unit Machine Learning & 2D Imaging

▶ Overall

 :: Machine learning and Unit status update

 :: Cursed Archer rough image

▶ Machine Learning

 Unable to train both Brain units at the same time in Unity, thus had to observe the units carefully separately.

 Below are the behaviors.


- Waiting State

- Movement State: Walk

- Movement State: Run

- Attack

- Defend

- Dodge

- Magic/Mana(Skill)


The project is a lot larger than I expected originally, and the AI became very bloated/does a lot more than I designed in the first place.


Currently, we are performing a 30 unit AI training test on a smartphone to judge battery consumption.

▶ Cursed Archer

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