Running Deeper C/C++/Java

Other Projects/Project, Hexas


Week 34 Report

Overall: 3D Modeling / System / Closed Beta

Main Content

 :: Well 3D Modeling

 :: System design

 :: Closed Beta


▶ Well


System Design

Used a sphere collider based N:M controlling option to detect, advance, and calculate units. This method decreases the total calculations necessary.

 The algorithm is as follows.

1. When a unit is created, an increasing sphere collider is deployed, which increases to 1/2*mapsize + 30.

2. If the collider collides with another object, the tag is searched, and if it is detected as an enemy. the collider is halted, and the objects turn and advance.

3. If the enemy object in question perishes before the current object can reach the enemy, the sphere collider is resumed, and step 2 is repeated.

4. The steps 2 & 3 are infinitely repeated, and if an enemy is not found in 5 seconds, the units proceed to attack set locations, such as buildings, etc.

5. When attacked, units lose "hp", hp is slowly regenerated over time unless another attack occurs.

6. Instead of using the distance method, use the sqrMagnitude method to decrease the total amount of calculations necessary. sqrMagnitude utilizes a square root method to calculate distances, applying a significantly less load on the CPU.

▶ Modeling 47%

▶ Images 69%

UI & Item Design 25%

▶ Programming
Map 100%
Unit 60%
Item 10%
Server in development



Closed Beta

The following were discussed in our recent Closed Beta, where we discussed more of our member roles and progress.


- Specific goals for game design and topic

- Skill point discussion
> 3 Skills per unit, Random skills received

- Yggdrasil - Multiple worlds(project name, temporary)

- Daily, Weekly quests, to increase user focus and playtime.

- Chatting & Clan/Friend system, I will be working on the server mechanics.

- Next open beta will be in October, with Android devices

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